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OG Sangha Gathering: Council & PotLuck

  • Open Gate Zen Collective 466 E St Chula Vista United States (map)

OG Sangha Spring Gathering
After our regular public meditation service: Open Gate Zendo, we will be gathering for our seasonal council and Vegetarian PotLuck.

The process of Council comes from a number of Native American traditions, and has been used by many non-native people for generations to facilitate meaningful interaction. A group is gathered in a circle for a conversation about a specific topic. The opportunity to speak is given one at a time to all members of the Council, often passing a “talking piece” clockwise around the circle to identify the speaker.
A facilitator is charged with maintaining the boundaries of the circle to protect the process. Council uses four simple intentions that provide the basis for interaction in the council circle. The four basic intentions:

1. “Listen from the heart”

2. “Speak from the heart”

3. “Speak spontaneously”

4. “Speak leanly”

COUNCIL is about relationships. It is about creating an experience of bonding, empathy, teamwork, trust, rapport, fellowship, community, and ultimately love. See less

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